BAGTOBAG is a fashion product trading company specializing in bags.

Η BAGTOBAG is a fashion product trading company specializing in bags. It was founded in Greece in 2008 and since then has developed a successful presence in the field of women's and men's fashion. The company provides products both wholesale and retail, thus meeting the needs of both industry professionals and end consumers. 

The company's core pillars include bag, accessory and apparel retail (B2C) as well as bag, accessory and apparel wholesale (B2B). The company has expanded its activity in many countries, including Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia and recently Hungary, through a system of stores, but also reselling products in other local stores. 

The company's team in Greece is the central core of its operation. BAGTOBAG continues to innovate and offer new and more fashionable products, thus ensuring high quality and customer satisfaction. 

With the motto of continuous development and innovation, BAGTOBAG is a company that closely monitors international trends and developments, creating innovative solutions and practices to serve customers and stakeholders."


“From our inception to the present moment, we have remained absolutely committed to our vision and passionately pursued our path. Our central aim is to offer our valued customers – whether it is wholesale or retail – exclusive and unique fashion designs centered on the distinctive bag, within both the domestic and international markets. By constantly demonstrating the impeccable quality of our products, we fully exploit the value of the experience we have gained since 2008. 

We maintain a forward-looking perspective, seeking to expand our horizons and exploring growth opportunities.
We continue to invest in innovation and differentiation, aiming to always remain at the forefront, adapting to change and exceeding the limits of expectations.”


"BAGTOBAG's mission is to continue and create an exceptional fashion experience for its customers, prioritizing perfection and quality in fashion, through unique high-quality bag designs.
With a focus on innovation and creativity, the company constantly seeks to shape fashion trends, offering products that respond to the individual personality and style of its customers.
Through high quality and national and international recognition, BAGTOBAG plays an important role in the field of fashion, seeking continuous growth and success."

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